This patient is a so-called Transsexualist (or Transsexist), also described as a Psychic Hermaphrodite. His body belongs to one sex, his psyche to another. He is a man with a woman e mind or is á Woman in the body of a man.
This is not the place to examine the cause and nature of the condition. In all probability it is partly constitutional and inherited, and partly acquired in early childhood through unfavor- able environment and upbringing. Such people are rare, very rare in relation to population, but they are a terrific problem to them- selves and to their families. They are no threat to society. They are not agressive, because they are introverted. They are utterly miserable when forced to live as men (as they must do in accordance with the law) but they are immediately relaxed and reasonably happy when able to dress and live as women.
Their male sex organs are a horror to them, because they are a constant reminder of their anatomical sex, that is the opp- osite of their paychological one. They strongly desire the sur- gical removal of these organs for two main reasons: First, the removal satisfies their emotions because they then can no longer be considered male from the anatomical standpoint. They would be neuters, and therefore closer to the female. Secondly, (and that is most important to some of them) they would be legally immun e from conviction when living as women. They may still be arrested if suspected of "masquerading" but they could.not be held and con- victed of any crime. It is therefore an unrealistic, cruel law that compels sone of these people to seex this so-called convers- ion operation.
Transsexualists, by the way, must be differentiated from Transvestites. The latter are usually normal, heterosexual men, not interested in being converted surgically into "women", but only want to wear feminine attire.
Treatment for transsexualism in order to try and effect a cure is useless. The best qualified psychiatrists are agreed that "psychiatry has nothing to offer in such cases". Since the mind cannot be adjusted to the body, it seems logical that now the body should be adjusted to the mind, as far as such is med- ically possible.
But again, an antiquated law steps in and declares such an